Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Dry Brushing for Cellulite- Is it Really One of the Effective Home Remedies for Cellulite Removal?

In addition to the urinary tract and colon, skin is another organ through which our body expels waste. Dry skin brushing helps to exfoliate the dead skin, and any other toxin which the body expels through the skin.

Dry skin brushing is one of the good old home remedies for cellulite which is quite popular and effective if done correctly. Since dry brushing helps eliminate toxins, skin experts claim that it is effective in smoothing out cellulite accumulated in the body. So ladies for those of you keen to know how to make use of dry brushing for cellulite here is how to go about it.

Dry Skin  Brushing for cellulite how does it work?

  • Dry skin brushing exfoliates and stimulates the skin. It also stimulates our lymph, circulatory and nervous system thereby resulting in better skin texture and improved cell renewal
  • Improved lymph circulation which helps in detoxifying the whole body
  • Perks up the blood circulation which in-turn tightens the skin and reduces the appearance of cellulite
  • Improves the muscle tone, gets rid of fat deposits and cures cellulite particularly if brushing is done in the initial stages upon noticing the first visible signs of cellulite

Skin brush

Skin brush is easily available in most health food stores, bath or body shop. Skin brush is a softer version of a horse brush. 

Ensure that the bristles of the brush should not be made of synthetic material. If possible go for a brush which is organic (ie) vegetable-derived one so that it does not harm your skin in any way. 

The brush bristles should be a little stiff in texture. Make sure that the brush has an attachable handle which will make it easy for you to reach all spots in your body both in the front and back.

How To Dry Brush Your Skin

Start by brushing gently/ firmly the soles of your feet. When you make gentle, firm strokes with the brush, the skin should get stimulated without turning red. Move up and ensure that you always brush towards your heart. Make long sweeps with the brush and scrub in circular motion. Do not brush back and forth as this may cause minor rashes if you rub too hard. Brush your soles, feet, legs on both sides, arms, chest and stomach. Use the brush in circular motion – counter clockwise direction in the stomach and lower abdomen area. Avoid brushing the breast and other sensitive body parts. 

When To Skin Brush

If you are serious about dry skin brushing for cellulite removal you should do it daily preferably twice a day. Before you brush make sure that your skin is dry. Hence it would be best to brush your skin in the shower just before you turn on the water or before you start working out in the gym.

Dry brushing for cellulite when used in combination with other natural home remedies for cellulite can actually get you the body tone that you always craved for naturally.

To check out a free presentation on tips to get rid of cellulite fast CLICK HERE

Cellulite Factor Review – Does Dr Charles D.C ‘s Program Work?

Cellulite factor is a new comprehensive guide on how to reduce cellulite by Dr Chalres D C
In this guide you will learn about a “different and unique” plan to reduce visible cellulite. This program which does not involve the use of surgery, needles, or any other painful procedures is an ancient one which was discovered in East Africa and Arabia over 1000 years ago.

The Cellulite Factor guide helps you to 

a) reduce the visible signs of cellulite

b) make use of a healthy lifestyle plan with a view to lose unwanted belly fat.

c) adopt a healthy lifestyle 

d) make fitness training and healthy eating a part of your daily routine 

What’s Unique About Cellulite factor?

At the outset let me assure you that Dr Charles D C Cellulite Factor program does not advocate the use of pills or supplements to lose cellulite.

The system begins with measuring your basic statistics (ie) body weight and fat percentage. At the start of the program you are required to take a photo and check your clothing size with a view to track your cellulite loss progress. As you implement the principles contained in the Cellulite Factor plan you will realize that your clothes get looser.

Dr Charles D C Cellulite Factor program emphasizes on the need to eat healthy and follow a fitness regime to reach the cellulite loss goals.

Once you introduce and make natural foods a part of your daily intake the guide recommends some basic exercises to be practiced to get rid of cellulite. The Cellulite factor guide explains the relationship between fat burning and muscle building- how muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue. This program recommends “burst training”, which is alternating between low intensity and high intensity intervals aimed to reduce the time required for doing the workouts.

5 Steps involved in Dr Charles D C’s Cellulite Elimination Program

Step 1: Detoxification

Step 2: Eating Right for Getting Rid of Cellulite

Step 3: Anti-Cellulite Supplements

Step 4: The Coffee Grind Wrap Method.

Step 5: The Lymph Drink

What Are Some Of Pros Of This Program?

-       100% Natural Cellulite loss program

Dr Charles does not recommend use of injections, surgery, body wraps or herbal creams in this program. Rather the focus is on the internal human body system specifically the lymph system.

-       Scientific explanation provided for facts and suggestions 

Facts/ suggestions contained in Cellulite Factor e book are backed up research and clearly explained in simple terms for easy comprehension. 

      - Multiple techniques on how to fight cellulite naturally

Instead of focusing on a sole technique for reducing cellulite like diet control or physical exercise this program recommends a number of anti cellulite techniques

-       Extremely high success rate

This is one of the few cellulite loss products which have a high success rate. Going by the customer testimonials it is apparent that majority of users who have signed up for the Dr Charles D Cs Cellulite Factor program have benefitted from it immensely.

What are the Cons of Cellulite Factor?

Just like every product and book I have reviewed, I have noticed a few flaws in this program which are listed below:

-       This is not a “quick fix overnight” solution- being a natural cellulite treatment program this will require you to be patient. You will be able to see the first results of this plan only after approx. 2 weeks of use. 

-       In my opinion the Cellulite Factor guide does not contain sufficient information on physical exercises and how it can impact cellulite. This is so because overweight people will need to lose weight so as to get rid of cellulite.

Will Cellulite Factor Program Work For You?

Is Cellulite Factor a scam - certainly not. This is a comprehensive guide that provides some basic, no nonsense kind of tips on how to fight cellulite naturally and look & feel great.  

This program clearly highlights the single most important factor responsible for cellulite in most of us- Toxins. It guides you on how to detoxify your body naturally with a view to get rid of cellulite and feel good inside out. 

The author of this program Dr Charles Livingston is a board certified physician, certified wellness practitioner and a well known weight loss dietician. 

To conclude if you are seriously looking out for ways to eliminate cellulite without conventional medications or surgery I feel should definitely grab a copy of Dr Charles’s Cellulite Factor guide and give it a try!

>>>Click here to buy Dr Charles D C Cellulite Factor and check out a free presentation on how to get rid of cellulite fast  <<<

Monday, 28 April 2014

Carol Fosters Ovarian Cyst Miracle- Does it Work

There’s good news for women who are finding it difficult to get rid of cyst in ovaries. Carol Foster, a former sufferer of PCOS has come up with Ovarian Cyst Miracle Guide. It is a clinically proven holistic PCOS natural treatment plan for quickly and permanently reversing ovarian cysts and pcos naturally, safely.

Carol claims that her guide provides a simple 3 step treatment plan that can help you to get rid of ovarian cysts permanently without the making use of any harsh medicines or drugs which often cause harmful side effects. 

According to Carol, it is possible to get rid of ovarian cyst pain in matter of days by following her system. These are tall claims and that’s why I decided to do a detailed review of her book and share my unbiased findings. 

What’s Unique About Ovarian Cyst Miracle?

One of the most important factors that differentiate Carol’s program for Ovarian Cyst Cure from others is the fact that this holistic treatment plan is completely natural. It makes use of natural remedies, diet alterations and lifestyle changes as part of the overall PCOS natural treatment plan. 

The thing about natural remedies is that these are best suited for the human body and are unlikely to cause any harm to a sensitive body parts like the ovaries. 

It seems conventional medications commonly prescribed by doctors like birth control pills to regulate hormones in the body ( which is known to be one of primary causes of PCOS) only provide temporary relief from pain, irregular periods, severe bloating and painful sex caused due to this condition. And that is the reason for women suffering from PCOS repeatedly. 
According to Carol her book provides a 3 step process that helps in correcting the root cause of the ovarian cysts rather than just the symptoms of PCOS.  

What Will You Learn From this Book? 

  • How to get rid of your ovarian cysts naturally within 2 months and prevent its recurrence with the help of natural remedies for PCOS
  • How to get rid of ovarian cysts pain, bloating and discomfort in less than 12 hours
  • Ways in which you can boost your fertility and gain clockwork periods
  • How to get rid of PCOS symptoms permanently
  • How to regain your natural inner balance and improve the quality of your life dramatically

The Pros Of Ovarian Cyst Miracle Program

1. 100% PCOS Natural Treatment

Aimed at eliminating the root cause of ovarian cyst this is a completely natural treatment program which does not make use of any drugs or conventional medicines.

2. Customization 

An excellent unique feature of this product is that it contains clear cut guidelines which enable women to customize the treatment strategy and methods based on their symptoms and needs.
Ovarian cyst miracle cleverly enables its users to understand and identify subtle factors within the body, lifestyle and environment which may require to be attended to obtain complete freedom from cysts in the ovaries

3. 60 Days Money Back Guarantee

Carol Foster's Ovarian Cyst Miracle comes with a 60 days money back guarantee. So, if you are not satisfied with it you can always claim a refund of your money.  

The Cons

1. Can Be A Bit Overwhelming
With over 150 pages of reading material Ovarian Cyst Miracle book contains a whole lot of information which can intimidate people initially. 

2. Requires Dedicated Personal Effort
Carol Foster's program is not a "quick fix " formula which will provide instant results. It will require total commitment on the part of the users to make a success of it. Lifestyle alterations and dietary adjustments will be required for ensuring total freedom from ovarian cysts naturally.


Women who are having a tough time getting rid of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome PCOS should definitely try out the Ovarian Cyst Miracle program. This book has already helped thousands of women of all ages, in 127 countries get rid of PCOS and there’s definitely a good chance that you may find success with this program too.

Sunday, 27 April 2014

Ovarian Cyst Natural Treatment- 5 Simple Tips for Treating Cyst in Ovaries

You will be surprised to know that quite often women suffering from PCOS don't even realize that they have ovarian cysts. This is because at times cysts do not cause any major symptoms and go away on their own. However there are cases where ovarian cysts can cause symptoms like pressure, swelling, anxiety, pain, infertility, and abdominal bloating to name a few. 

The good news is that this condition responds well to natural treatment. Here in this article I am going to share information on some of the basic ovarian cyst natural treatment methods which anyone can easily adopt as a part of their lifestyle. 

To begin with let us first understand a little more about ovarian cysts and conventional treatment for cyst in ovaries.

What are ovarian cysts?

Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs commonly found on the ovaries (female reproductive organs which produce eggs and female hormones) .Normally the sacs dissolve on their own. When this does not happen ovarian cysts develop. 

Wait and See approach proposed by doctors

Many health care providers recommend the 'wait and see' approach for ovarian cysts. This approach is valid provided the cysts go away naturally within a reasonable period of time without any formal treatment. However if there is no improvement and the cysts persist, synthetic hormones like birth control pills are prescribed as part of conventional medical treatment for ovarian cysts. Birth control pill will prevent ovulation. Hence if there is no ovulation the chances of new ovarian cysts developing are unlikely.
Before getting into some of the natural DIY remedies for ovarian cyst relief let us briefly understand some of the factors which are known to trigger the growth of ovarian cysts.

Factors that promote the growth of ovarian cysts

Some factors which are known to contribute to growth of cyst in ovary include
hormonal imbalance,
mental stress, and
genetic factors.

Here is how to get started with ovarian cyst natural treatment

Tip # 1 

Research has indicated that herbal cures are quite effective for ovarian cyst natural treatment. Herbs like black cohosh, vitex, and wild yam help to restore hormonal balance in the body. Herbs like red clover and dandelion are blood cleansers and extremely useful to get rid of unwanted toxins from our body. 

Tip # 2


In case you are serious about making a success of your natural treatment for ovarian cyst, drink plenty of water and herbal teas. This may sound simple but can benefit women suffering from cysts in ovaries immensely. When you drink plenty of water and herbal teas your body will be able to naturally flush out all the harmful toxins in the body.

Tips # 3

Scientific studies have indicated that women who eat meat and cheese are more susceptible to develop ovarian cysts. Also consumption of high levels of animal proteins can worsen symptoms of already existing ovarian cysts. Hence it is best to avoid this form of protein all together. If you must have animal proteins make sure that it is of the organic variety. 

Eat 3-4 servings of fresh, raw fruits and vegetables everyday which will add to the much needed fiber content in your diet.

Include essential fatty acids in your daily intake which helps in regulating hormone levels in the body and will also make losing weight with PCOS actually possible!
Fish is the best source of essential fatty acids particularly, cold-water fish like:

Some of the vegetarian sources of essential fatty acids are:
Flax seeds
Dark green leafy vegetables like spinach and broccoli


Tips # 4

Practice relaxation exercises like Yoga. This will be extremely useful for stress relief. If you body and mind is relaxed harmful toxins capable of causing ailments will get expelled naturally from your body.
Yoga for pcos cure works not just at the physical level of the body but also at mental level. It is very effective in getting rid of stress stored in the body which in-turn alleviates PCOS symptoms. By practicing yoga you will feel physically stronger and more flexible than ever. You will learn to ease stress, manage losing weight with pcos and improve hormonal balance in your body.

Some of the holding weight-bearing yoga poses help the body build muscles.  More muscle mass In turn helps to manage insulin resistance which is one of the crucial aspects of PCOS management.

Here are some yoga poses for pcos cure

1. Butterfly Pose is very useful for women suffering from PCOS. However care must be taken to ensure that there is not too much of flapping legs- instead maintaining this posture for longer time can benefit women with PCOS immensely.
2. Supta Badhkonasana or reclining butterfly pose is a relaxing version of the
butterfly pose which is particularly useful for women new to yoga.
3. Chakki Chalanasana or moving the grinding wheel massages the liver, kidneys, pancreas, uterus and the reproductive organs. It helps in toning the uterine muscles and hence is particularly useful in preventing painful menstrual cycles if practiced regularly.

Tip # 5

Lastly ensure to keep your body warm by wearing appropriate clothes to cover your legs and abdomen during cold season. Keeping the ovaries warm helps them to maintain a good level of health.

For PCOS treatment natural remedies aimed at correcting hormonal imbalance in the body and maintaining insulin at the desired levels are really effective. With the help of simple diet and lifestyle changes PCOS symptoms can be handled better.
Use the above dietary information to get started with PCOS natural treatment right away …
Now, would you be interested in joining thousands of women worldwide and discover how they have managed to relieve PCOS ovarian cyst pain within 3 days and eliminate cysts completely within 8 short weeks, all without ever using risky drugs or resorting to surgery? 

This ultimate solution to get rid of ovarian cysts once and for all will just take few hours to implement. This solution is called Ovarian Cyst Miracle.

You can get immediate access to Ovarian Cyst Miracle and get rid of ovarian cyst pain, bloating and discomfort in just 12 hours from now!

It's really that simple.

To your success,
Melanie Paul

Friday, 18 April 2014

Why Yoga for Pcos – Simple Yoga Asanas for PCOS Treatment Naturally

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal condition which affects how your ovaries function. Normally in a healthy woman during each menstrual cycle around 4-5 follicles mature.  At the time of ovulation at least one of the follicles releases a matured egg.  In case of women with a polycystic ovary, the ovary starts maturing almost double the number of follicles as in a normal woman. Most of these follicles just get bigger in size and ripen but fail to release an egg. 

Statistically approximately 25-30% of women worldwide have polycystic ovaries.  Of these some women develop polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which means they have other symptoms in addition to polycystic ovaries. 

PCOS Awareness

PCOS awareness is essential for all women in falling in the reproductive age category. This is because incidence of PCOS quite common during child bearing years of a woman and this condition is capable of impacting fertility and the ability of women to bear children naturally. At a very basic level women suffering from this condition should understand what causes this hormonal disorder and also some of the common PCOS symptoms.

Here is a simple PCOS symptoms checklist (random order not in any order of importance)

  • Facial hair
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Absent or highly irregular menstrual cycles
  • Weight gain, particularly around the middle
  • Infertility and miscarriage
  • Acne
  • Blood sugar imbalances/Insulin issues
  • Ann-ovulation (lack of ovulation, regardless of whether you are having a “cycle” or not)

Some of the known causes of polycystic ovaries include:

  • Infertility treatment with gonadotropins which often cause multiple large cysts.
  • Research has indicated that use Clomiphene (Serophene, Clomid) can significantly increase the chance of a woman developing Corpus Luteum cysts.
  •  Use of Tamoxifen for breast cancer can trigger the growth of cysts
  •  Early onset of menstruation (11 years or before)
  •  Increased Upper Body fat
  •  Irregular menstrual cycles
  •  Smoking
  •  Hormonal imbalance because of any other ailment that a woman may be suffering from

 Yoga and PCOS

Yoga and many other alternate therapies for PCOS natural treatment is gaining popularity these days for treating a number of women’s health disorders. This is because alternative cures have shown to be really effective in treating women suffering from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and many other reproductive problems which cause infertility.

Why Yoga for PCOS?

Yoga for pcos cure works not just at the physical level of the body but also at mental level. It is very effective in getting rid of stress stored in the body which in-turn alleviates PCOS symptoms. By practicing yoga you will feel physically stronger and more flexible than ever. You will learn to ease stress, manage losing weight with pcos and improve hormonal balance in your body.
Some of the holding weight-bearing yoga poses help the body build muscles.  More muscle mass In turn helps to manage insulin resistance which is one of the crucial aspects of PCOS management.

 Here are some yoga poses for pcos cure

 1. Butterfly Pose is very useful for women suffering from PCOS. However care must be taken to ensure that there is not too much of flapping legs- instead maintaining this posture for longer time can benefit women with PCOS immensely.
2. Supta Badhkonasana or reclining butterfly pose is a relaxing version of the butterfly pose which is particularly useful for women new to yoga.
 3. Chakki Chalanasana or moving the grinding wheel massages the liver, kidneys, pancreas, uterus and the reproductive organs. It helps in toning the uterine muscles and hence is particularly useful in preventing painful menstrual cycles if practiced regularly. 
4. Shavasana or the corpse pose is a relaxation posture which is recommended for release of stress from the body.
Yoga poses for pcos can improve your general health and eliminate stress responsible for destroying sex hormones in our body. When we practice yoga pcos symptoms gradually reduce in severity over a period of time.
PCOS natural treatment is a lot about practicing self-discipline and being more patient. Diet and exercise have a crucial role to play in natural treatment of conditions like PCOS. When combined with healthy eating, Yoga asanas for pcos can work wonders to treat pcos naturally.

Natural remedies for PCOS aimed at correcting hormonal imbalance in the body and maintaining insulin at the desired levels can go a long way to manage the issue better. With the help of simple diet and lifestyle changes like practicing yoga regularly, PCOS symptoms can be handled better.
Use the above information to get started with yoga for PCOS treatment right away
However, if you are looking for the ultimate solution to get rid of ovarian cysts once and for all and a treatment plan that has already helped thousands of women world-wide get rid of this pcos naturally then you need to take some extra steps.
The ultimate PCOS natural treatment plan will just take few hours to implement. This solution is called Ovarian Cyst Miracle
You can get immediate access to Ovarian Cyst Miracle and get rid of ovarian cyst pain, bloating and discomfort in just 12 hours from now!
It's really that simple. 
To your success,
Melanie Paul

Monday, 14 April 2014

PCOS Diet- 5 DIY Tips for Women To Regulate Insulin and Handle PCOS Treatment Naturally With Diet

A PCOS diet should form an integral component of any PCOS treatment program for holistic PCOS Cure. Diet helps in weight loss with PCOS treatment plan by regulating the insulin levels in the body and restoring hormonal balance.

A number of women with PCOS are resistant to insulin- which means the Pancreas has to produce added insulin in order to be effective.
Insulin, a crucial hormone plays the role of transporting sugar from the blood into the muscles of the body. This allows the body to make effective use of the energy from glucose. Spiked or enhanced insulin levels can create chaos in our system contributing to a number of PCOS symptoms like PCOS hair loss, skin tags, weight gain, irregular monthly period and polycystic ovaries. Women with PCOS may experience any or all of these symptoms.
Hence for successful PCOS treatment natural remedies to regulate blood insulin levels is recommended by most doctors.
Here are some important facts you should keep in mind while making your own PCOS diet plan aimed at regulating insulin and manage PCOS better.

1.    Avoid sudden spikes in Insulin levels by eating equal quantities of protein &  carbohydrates every day

Popularly referred to as “yo yo” insulin this is something you must avoid while undergoing PCOS treatment. You can ensure that insulin level remains more or less stable by consuming carbohydrates as well as proteins in equal quantities.
It is also crucial here to note the type of carbohydrates you consume can also impact insulin level in the body. For example white processed flour which is used for baking breads etc is high in carbohydrates. It can therefore shoot up the insulin levels in our body.
Processed, refine flour has zero fiber content and nutritional value. Hence substitute it with healthier options like whole grains, whole grain flour, or sprouted grain products which are protein rich and contain fiber also. You can opt for whole wheat bread or pastas instead of normal bread. Breads made of oatmeal, flaxseed, multigrain flour, split wheat and rye bread are some of the other healthier substitutes which are nutritionally superior to white bread and not to mention its nutty flavor and taste.

Similarly although greens like lettuce, kale or spinach do contain carbohydrates, they are high in fiber too. It is therefore advisable to use these as replacements to make egg wraps, meat rolls, vegetables rolls or tacos. 

For the reasons mentioned above it is important to stay away from inorganic meat particularly the red variety. If you must consume meat ensure that it is the organic variety which has essential fatty acids and not capable of triggering hormonal balance of any kind in the body.

2.    Consume foods high in fiber content

A good PCOS diet must include plenty of fiber rich foods. This is because fiber slows down the digestion of sugars in the body, thereby ensuring that there is no sudden insulin spike. Secondly it also promotes healthy estrogen metabolism which helps in reducing the elevated levels of androgens. Raw fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of fiber.

3.    Have 5-6 small meals a day instead of 3 large ones

One of the primary reasons for imbalanced body metabolism is big gaps between meals. When we eat three big meals a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) our body tends to go into the fasting mode because of large time gaps between meals. Hence dieticians and nutrition experts now believe that it is better to eat smaller meals more often during the day- say have small meals every 2-3 hours. When we do so, the body raises its metabolism every time we eat food in order to digest it.
However if it is not practically possible for you to have frequent meals include healthy snacks ( like nuts, raw fruits and vegetables) between lunch and dinner when the time gap between meals tends to be the longest.
It is important to mention here that it is best to learn how to listen to your body signals before deciding when and what to eat. Once you master the trick of listening to your body’s requirements you will eat according to your body clock and feel more energetic.

4.    Include plenty of essential fatty acids (EFA) in your daily intake

 Eating essential fatty acids (EFA’s) can make losing weight with PCOS actually possible! It also helps in regulating hormone levels in the body.
Fish is considered to be an excellent source of EFA particularly, cold-water fishes like:
·       Salmon
·       Herring
·       Mackerel

Good vegetarian sources of essential fatty acids include:
  • ·       Walnuts
  • ·       Flax seeds
  • ·       Almonds
  • ·       Dark green leafy vegetables like spinach and broccoli

5. Switch over to Organic fruits, vegetables and meat

In commercial (inorganic variety) of meat there are large amounts of hormones (estrogen) which are injected to make the animals grow faster, bigger and produce more milk. Women with PCOS generally have progesterone deficiency and therefore adding more estrogen into the system can worsen the symptoms. Hence it is best to switch over to organic foods (vegetables, fruits and meat) which contain more vitamins, minerals and healthier proteins whenever possible

For PCOS treatment natural remedies aimed at correcting hormonal imbalance in the body and maintaining insulin at the desired levels can go a long way to manage the issue better. With the help of simple diet and lifestyle changes PCOS symptoms can be handled better.

Use the above dietary information to get started with PCOS natural treatment right away …
However, if you are looking for the ultimate solution to get rid of ovarian cysts once and for all and a treatment plan that has already helped thousands of women world-wide get rid of this problem naturally then you need to take some extra steps.

The ultimate PCOS natural treatment plan will just take few hours to implement. This solution is called Ovarian Cyst Miracle

You can get immediate access to Ovarian Cyst Miracle and get rid of ovarian cyst pain, bloating and discomfort in just 12 hours from now!

It's really that simple.

Click on this link and get started with PCOS natural treatment for permanent ovarian cysts cure!

To your success,

Melanie Paul