Sunday, 29 June 2014

How to Make a Girl Chase You- Unique Tips to Make A Woman Beg To Be Your Girlfriend

How to make a girl chase you- if you have fallen for a woman and are trying to find an answer to this question, this post may be just what you are looking for.

How a woman’s mind works is a mystery to most men. In fact there is no standard answer to the question what attracts a woman and what aspects of the male personality can be used positively to get a woman interested.

If you have fallen for a girl are and interested in making the girl chase you, you must try the following tips to achieve your goal. 

How to Make a Girl Chase You- Unique Tip #1 Make her think about you

To make a girl chase you this is the first thing you should do- make attempts to ensure that she starts thinking about you when you are not around. 

How do you do this?? Simple make yourself appear a little busy. If she asks you out, don’t accept the invitation on the first request itself. Decline the first one with a polite – “shall certainly look forward to your next invite”. 

Alternatively ignore her invite if received by way of a text message. Accept it when you get it for the second time. 

See during the period in between the two text messages your girl sent you, she will keep wondering about you- whether you will say a yes or a no. Should she actually approach you the second time etc etc. If you manage to pull this trick off perfectly she is bound to think more and more about you!

How to Make a Girl Chase You- Unique Tip #2 Pay attention to your girl

Women love men who pay them attention. Say things which will make a positive impact your girl emotionally. 

For example tell her how you thought she would have really enjoyed the trek you went out for the previous day. 

Or mention that she was the subject of conversation at your family dinner yesterday. When you say such things she will get the impression that you are interested in her. She will want to hear more about “you and her” – trust me this will drive her crazy and you can make her beg to be your girlfriend eventually.

How to Make a Girl Chase You- Unique Tip #3 Practice the saying “absence makes the heart grow fonder”

This is one saying which works wonders in the man woman relationship. When a man hangs around his girl all the time or calls back his girl without waiting the sense of anticipation which the girl will experience otherwise is lost. What I mean is there is nothing really for the girl to chase you or keep calling you again and again. When you seem overenthusiastic in responding to her she may also get the feeling that you are desperate. You should therefore attempt to leave her wanting for more rather than readily giving in to her ways.

If you search on the internet you will come across numerous posts on how to make a girl chase you. When I did a search myself, I came across an relationship guide- Girl friend on demand pdf ebook. This is a relationship guide which teaches men basic tricks to improve their love lives and shows how to make a girl get attracted to them at a primal level. This Girlfriend on Demand program is available for immediate download online and targets hardwired biology and psychology which is applicable to women in general.

The testimonials on the official Girl friend on Demand ebook website indicate that this program works and has already helped thousands of men worldwide get the girl of their dreams. 
Personally I was impressed with this system because it specifically teaches men how to make a woman sexually select them over others. When this happens a girl’s brain will actually create “excuses” as to why she likes a particular man so much irrespective of age, looks or other physical features. 

Thursday, 19 June 2014

5 Great Tips to Lower Blood Glucose Level Naturally

Today the number of people suffering from diabetes is on the rise. Sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise and unhealthy eating habits are some of the factors which have contributed to more and more people developing diabetes. In case you have been diagnosed with diabetes, you must consider making use of methods to lower blood glucose level naturally. These methods will give help regularize your blood sugar naturally and not cause any adverse side effects.

Here in this article I am going to share some simple things anyone can do to lower blood glucose level naturally. Your body will respond to these depending upon how consistent and regular you are in following these tips.

1.     Diet

Reduce your intake of carbohydrates or switch over to low carbohydrate foods so as to bring your blood sugar levels in control. Good examples of low carbohydrate foods include soy milk, barley, and kippered herring.

Include plenty of fiber rich foods in your daily intake. Ideally you should include at least one or two servings of fresh fruits or vegetables with each of you meals.

2.     Flax seeds

 Research has indicated that flax seed which is rich in magnesium, Omega 3 fatty acids and lignans is very useful to lower down blood sugar level naturally. Include this brown seed in your diet by adding it to salads or soups. The best way to have flax seeds it is to grind it coarsely and sprinkle it on salads, porridge etc. Alternatively you can consume flax seed oil also. Remember however that nutritive property of flax seeds will not be absorbed by our bodies if it is consumed as it is in full form.

3.     Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a spice which has the ability to reduce the level of bad cholesterol in our body and control blood glucose levels too. All that you need to do is to add a pinch of cinnamon powder in your diet every day.

4.     Exercise

Sedentary lifestyle worsens diabetes. Hence people suffering from this condition must remain active and exercise daily. Brisk walking or any such form of exercise for 45 minutes every day is essential for keeping a check on blood sugar levels.

5.     Lose weight

In case you happen to be overweight you must make efforts to lose excess body fat if you are seriously looking to lower blood sugar level naturally.
Once you have diabetes you have to learn to live with it for life. You cannot get rid of diabetes permanently. What you can do is to adopt a healthy lifestyle, eat sensibly and exercise regularly to maintain or lower your blood sugar levels. It is equally important to have meals at regular times and take adequate rest to avoid spike in blood sugar levels.

If left untreated for long diabetes can starve the organs which need the glucose and harm the organs which receive excessive blood sugar. It can cause irreparable damage to nerves, kidneys, eyes, and blood vessels.

People suffering from diabetes who seek professional help from diabatologists, dieticians and nutritionists have better chances to lower blood sugar level and ensure that balanced levels of sugar, and avoid the complications of the disease. There is plenty of help available online too these days. To watch a free video on how to lower blood glucose level naturally please click here.